Minor changes to GDMO- June 2013

Minor changes to GDMO- June 2013

Minor changes to information submitted with Planning Applications- June 2013

Whilst you're still digesting the recent changes to permitted development rights, a further course of changes has arrived in respect of information required to be submitted with planning applications; thankfully these are relatively minor, and appear sensible and uncontroversial.

These come into force on the 25th June 2013 and the main changes are:

    • minor applications (those for less than 10 dwellings, a building of less than 1,000 square metres or more; or on a site of less than 1ha) outside conservation areas will no longer need to be accompanied by a design and access statement,
    • simplification of the required content of design and access statements
    • a right to challenge a local authority's request for additional information to support an application which the applicant considers not to be necessary, and a right of appeal for non-determination where the local authority do not agree
    • removal of the requirement to include both a summary of reasons for the grant of permission and a summary of the policies and proposals in the development plan which are relevant to the decision to grant permission


For further information, please contact John Jowitt:
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Contact No: 07974 239016

Parker Jowitt Planning Ltd.

Trading as PJ Planning
Registered in England no. 6789894
Registered Address: Regent House, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 1TS